Page name: bubble wrap lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-15 18:20:01
Last author: ZOMBIE x ZOMBIE
Owner: elf_iceprincess
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this is for everyone who loves bubble wrap and thinks its better than therapy * you must love bubble wrap to join*


to add baner just take ** out

MEMBERS to join go to bwl members

1.[Forbidden Truths]
6.[I do believe in faeries I do I do]
7. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for christmas as a presant! It was the actual presant not the wraping of one!
8.[^_^ bubi et ^_^] i love bubble wrap
9.[Clarabell12] I love bubble wrap SO much...... i
10.[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]iluv bubblewrap!!its soooo addiciting!sepcially if ur bored!!lol



11. [Fortune Orange]


13. [Ktcm] *pop* ... *pop pop* ^-^; yey
14. [elwen] its great to annoy people with!!!
15. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for Christmas once! really! it wasnt just the packaging! I got a 6ft long thing of bubble wrap! only because i asked for it though! I was so happy! It entertained me for like 3 hours!
16. [penguin jones] i'm an addict for bubble wrap
17. [Ham] Wrapping stuff in it is such a waste....*plays with it in corner*
18. [The Taste of Ink !] Yay for bubble wrap!! :D
19.[Lucy-Lou] whoooh! jump on it!


21.[psychekiller] yay bubble wrap

22. [Broken_Musician] I LOVE BUBBLE WRAP

23. [My Own Creation] It was my favorite toy as a child...I still ♥ it!!
24. [I_lüv_bubbles] Bubble wrap rules my world

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[Amber.]: my g*ma sent me a package the other day and it was covered in bubble wrap...i was consistenty popping for about 45 min

[Vampire Kitty_311]: hey! i have bubble wrap taped on my bedroom wall

[forestfarie]: woohoo *starts to stomp on her bubble wrap*

[Aliz]: I've been in bubblewrap heaven :D we had two HUGE bubble wrap-things on school...but some evil person stole them :(

[forestfarie]: o i would hurt them

[Aliz]: I know...but I didn't see*cries* now the bubble wrap is gone... :(

[forestfarie]: *cries for aliz*

[Teufelsweib]: [Iuna] has a bag of bubble wrap!!! *runs after her*

[forestfarie]: *runs to*\

[Teufelsweib]: too bad...shes gone *sigh* where's all the bubble wrap gone?

[forestfarie]: i dunno

[Aliz]: *finds a sniper* HE HE HE...lets steal some bubble wrap ppl :P

[Teufelsweib]: yeah!! *gets her shotgun* pillage elftown!!!

[forestfarie]: *gets a bag for all the bubble wrap* Lets go!

[Aliz]: *starts marching* hehe

[forestfarie]: bubble wrap bubble wrap bubble wrap bubble wrap!

[Aliz]: *aims at a person with bubblewrap*

[forestfarie]: *yells* FIRE!

[Teufelsweib]: *BOOM!!* WHOOHOO!! we could....blow the town center up...*shifty eyes*

[Aliz]: yup...and steal all the bubble wrap...LETS DO IT :D hehe

[Teufelsweib]: whoohoo!!!! *roars* get the bubblewrap!!!

[forestfarie]: WAIT! y not just the post office, they have lots and lots of bubble wrap to keep the stuff same...hehehehehe *screams* TO THE POST OFFICE!

[Aliz]: well...why not a mall?? they have lots of bubble wrap there too..*muahaha*

[Teufelsweib]: what about we get a large group and spil up in north, west, south and east...

[Aliz]: YEAH!! I wanna rob the mall :D

[Iuna]: Cool idea! I'm the one with the bubble wrap bag! muahaha

[Aliz]: just don't think you can get away with the bubblewrap... :P hehe

[Teufelsweib]: I will go hostage the major and demand a ton bubblewrap, and more of those bags...:)

[Aliz]: *MOAHAHA* and I'll drive the escape helicopter

[Teufelsweib]: yay! but are we 3 the only ones...? *gulp*

[Iuna]: hahaha You don't know where I left it! muahaha

[Aliz]: of course I do :P

[Teufelsweib]: hey guys, we need more people to help!! and more amunition...

[Aliz]: yep... but were do we get that??

[Iuna]: uhh... More members from this wiki invite?

[Aliz]: yup...but were are THEY???

[Iuna]: uh.... somweher at there homes... or they don't like to talk here...

[forestfarie]: i got a van so we can throw the bubble wrap in and drive away fast! lets get them!

[Iuna]: YEAH!!! cool :):) Can I sit in front?

[Teufelsweib]: get our weapons maties!!!!*picks up bazooka* WHHOOOHOOO!! up to the mall!!!

[Aliz]: I just take the helicopter alone then :P

[Teufelsweib]: ah no, I will go in the helicopter with you, we could fly up to the townhall and Najen and forestfarie will go to the mall, everyone with me???

[Aliz]: YEAH :D *finds sniper*

[Teufelsweib]: heh heh heh, lets go aliz!!!!

[Aliz]: yeah...come on ppl :D

[forestfarie]: LETS GO!!!!

[Teufelsweib]: WHOOHOOO!!!!! shoot them! *shoots bazooka* muahahhahahaha

[forestfarie]: *busts in mall* GET ALL THE B/W U CAN FIND AND MEET BACK HERE!

[Iuna]: DON"T SHOOT AT US YOU STUPID!! Learn to shoot!

[forestfarie]: who me?

[Teufelsweib]: I didn't shot you, I shot at [Broccoli] EVERYONE ON THE GROUND, AND GIVE US YOUR BUBBLEWRAP OR ELSE WE'LL SHOOT YOU!!!!

[Aliz]: *lands helicopter*

[Teufelsweib]: YAY!! *runs towards towncenter*

[Aliz]: *reads a newspaper while waiting*

[Teufelsweib]: *puts bomb in towncenter* heh heh heh, all bubblewrap will survive the blast, Im sure...*waiting*

[forestfarie]: *grabs bag of bubble wrap and jups a man whole* im not giving up that easy

[Teufelsweib]: whoa, ALIZ!! wake up Im fucking caught here between alot of scary people!!

[forestfarie]: Muahahaha now im in china!

[Aliz]: *saves roasted pretzel and the bubblewrap* but don't bomb the towncenter...cuz bubblewrap is made of plastic, and plastic melts :P

[forestfarie]: damit! *opend my own bubble wrap factory underground and gets all the kewl bubble wrap people and takes them under ground to pop B/W forever* hehe

[Aliz]: *steals all b/w in the world*

[forestfarie]: But u cant, u dont know where the underground factory is SO HA!

[Teufelsweib]: if you have a cave full of people who are popping bubblewrap, we could really hear it with our supersonic-bubblewrapsensitive ears, SO HAND OVER THE BUBBLEWRAP OR ELSE I'LL BLOW YOU UP!!!

[forestfarie]: NO! *runs and hides the bubble wrap where no one can find it* There now im the only one who knows where it is! and ill dye b-4 i tell u

[Teufelsweib]: ok *waiting untill she dies*

[Iuna]: That takes a long time... Why don't you kill her now?

[Teufelsweib]: because then I'm a bad person, I will hire a hitman then... and I know just the right person....

[Iuna]: yeah? who? [Broccoli]?

[Teufelsweib]: no, I had once someone who wanted to kill my teachers for me, so he could do the job.....heh heh

[Iuna]: haha what's his name?

[Teufelsweib]: hmm, he would remain secret because I've just asked him, maar in het nederlands kan ik het vast wel zeggen want het is die jood waarover ik het wel eens over heb gehad ;) dutch is much better :P

[Sauron]: *suddenly, a black car appears. the black car stops, and a man with a black suit stands outside of it, far from you to notice. the man opens a suitcase, and takes of it a sniper rifle. he leans on his car and aims towards your direction. he focuses the scope on his target, and calculates the wind and the distance effects. then, an unheard shot from a silenced sniper rifle is shot. the hitman hits his target. [forestfarie] lays on the ground in her blood. the mission accomplished. the hitman closes the suitcase, enters the car and disapears, again, unnoticed*

[Teufelsweib]: *whistels and looks in other direction*

[Iuna]: was that just the hitman? he was fast..... 0_o

[Aliz]: whatever...*zaps all B/W in from the secret place into my house* MUAHAHA

[Teufelsweib]: fuck you man! should I get my hitman again????

[Iuna]: yeah, good idea, kill them all and leave me and you alive!

[Teufelsweib]: hm, we could share but they have to agread...

[Iuna]: who are they?

[Teufelsweib]: the others that want to steal it all, aliz is doing that to know

[Iuna]: okey, lets share all the bubble wrap with everyone!

[Aliz]: uh...sorry...but I think I just killed your hitman :P *blood* he he

[Teufelsweib]: OOOOHHHRRRRAAAAAARRRGGHHH!!!!! *gets axe and chops Aliz' head off* so, heh heh

[Iuna]: everybody dead now..... :s who is here still alive??? :s

[SilverBlue82]: thought you guys might like this link. if you do just throw it up on your wiki ;)

[forestfarie]: LMAO! no fare i was gone lol

[Sauron]: *but the thing is that people tend to forget that hitmans always get away...:P*

[Teufelsweib]: to bad!!!! nanananananaaaa, then you shouldn't have stolen all the bubblewrap stupid shoe!

[Teufelsweib]: thats by the way a really good link...*is popping for hours*

[Aliz]: UH....I'm still alive :D and I still have all the bubble wrap...and I did kill the hitman...

[forestfarie]: lol kewl

[Aliz]: I know...I just went into my evil-shadow form :D and you can't kill a shadow :P

[forestfarie]: thats true

[Iuna]: yep

[Aliz]: at least not a shadow with umbrella :D (cuz the sun hurts)

[forestfarie]: hehe

[Teufelsweib]: why should you be alive and the hitman not? *blows her head off with shotgunn* hmm, it seems that no one can die here, what a pity

[Aliz]: I'm still missed :P

[Piggly_wiggly]: shotguns are scary

[Aliz]: no..FUNNY :D

[Teufelsweib]: whats scary about a shotgun *looks at shotgun* just a piece of metal that fires other pieces of metal......

[Iuna]: yeah.... shoot again pretzel, I know you can hit her

[Aliz]: *zaps ickle to the northpole*

[Teufelsweib]: heh heh stupid!! *flies to Africa* it's nice and warm here

[Aliz]: *finds a sniper* lets SHOOT :D

[Iuna]: woohooo heeej I still have got bubble wrap in my closet :D

[forestfarie]: hehe hello every one

[Aliz]: *zaps bubble wrap into my house* there's no bubblewrap in your closet...*muahaha*

[Teufelsweib]: pff, fuck you, my bubble wrap will explode when you zap it *zaps Aliz to mars* but you don't!! muahahaha

[Aliz]: huh?? I'm not on mars...because you can't zap...only I have the special wand...*muahaha* and the bubble wrap didn't's right here ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: yeah sure, stick that wand up your ass so we can share the bubble wrap

[Aliz]: but I've just finished the bubble wrap :P sowwy

[Iuna]: nananana I still have more in my closet!!

[Aliz]: nope...I zapped that one too :o

[Iuna]: noooo I have more in my hands now

[Teufelsweib]: isn't it odd.... we are acting identical how I did when I was 5 years old...heh heh.....

[evil beavle]: Hej, bubble wrap is cool, I like bubble wrap, I love bubble wrap, everyone should love bubble wrap. *boom* that was a big bubble wrap

[Iuna]: whieeej hi floeperd

[Aliz]: it's not bubble wrap in your've been too long without b/w, so you're hallucinating :P *gives nájen some b/w*

[Iuna]: haha thank you :)

[Teufelsweib]: may I...please...have..some....*small voice* bubblewrap?

[Aliz]: lazy to find more :P

[Iuna]: muahahhaa ;p I have it, you don't!! nananana

[Teufelsweib]: gimme bubblewrap!!!!!!!!! OEOEOERRRAAAAGGGGRRRRHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Iuna]: NOOOOOOOOOO *saves bubble wrap*

[Aliz]: uh...I can get b/w whenever I want're not a bit annoying...and right now, I'm to lazy to find any...but since you're just standing there, I might shoot you and take yours ^_^

[Iuna]: o nooooooooo *runs away from aliz*

[Aliz]: better run ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: coward!!! Ive already proved that we cant die here *jams a chainsaw through head* see?

[Iuna]: yeah, but aliz can take away all my bubble wrap...

[Teufelsweib]: then you take it back!!! jeez *sits in corner and bites her toenails*

[Iuna]: hahaha, little pissed pretzel??

[Teufelsweib]: *spits nail out* hummnumm!!! they are wathcing the Godfather downstairs with much to hard noise!!

[Iuna]: really? you saw it 2 weeks ago.. why now again?

[Teufelsweib]: het bestaat uit 3 delen en elke week komt een nieuwe deel, vorige week deel een en gister deel 2 die ze hebben opgenome

[Iuna]: een serie ding?

[Teufelsweib]: drie delige film, net als Schindlers list 2 delig is is deze grote film drie delig

[Iuna]: ok, english please ;p

[Teufelsweib]: leuk zeg, ik hoor net beneden iemand in de film heel hard schreeuwen, zouden hem wel laten stikken ofzo. and we are going to speak English when aliz shares. koel man, nu op de achtergrond allemaal geweerschoten...

[Iuna]: woow vaagies

[Aliz]: uh..what kind of language are you talking? cuz I think I understand some of it *muahaha*

[Teufelsweib]: oooh, scary, we are talking dutch! heh heh, ze denkt dat ze onze vage taal kan verstaan snanne, hihihi, wat een kansloze pauper is het toch, uhm, zij toch

[Iuna]: haha jippie ze kunne t nie verstaan!! muahahaha you can't talk dutch and we can!!!! gnagna, wat leuk dat wij zo'n taal hebbe die niemand kan verstaaan ;p

[Teufelsweib]: jaaaaaaaaaaaaa, lekker voor ze aangezien ze niet willen delen met de bubblewrap. he, stelletje klootzakken? hihi, verstaan ze toch niet. kutmongolen!!

[Iuna]: hahaha mss hebbe ze un vertaler, but it's a little bit not fun for the others that we talk dutch...

[Teufelsweib]: snanne.... ze delen niet en zijn oneerlijk. kom op gemene sanne!! little bit not fun, waar heb je engels geleerd?

[Iuna]: hoezo waar hebbik engels geleerd? haha hoe moek t anders zegge? weet jij t beter dan?

[Teufelsweib]: not fun gewoon!! little bit en not kan niet achter elkaar, beetje dubbelop he?:P

[Iuna]: jep, naja boeiuh

[Teufelsweib]: maar ja, ik ben toch de enige die jou hier kan verstaan dus maakt niet zoveel uit, alli schnappt alles weet je nog?

[Iuna]: ooow.... daar wil ik nog ff over nadenke, jij snapt egt niej alles

[Teufelsweib]: echt wel!!!!!!! tssss, ik schnapp allesssss

[Iuna]: NEE HOOR!! Hey, do everyone think that Pretzel gets everything?? I don't think so!!!!

[Teufelsweib]: nederlands praten kutwijf *fluister* anders horen ze ons

[Iuna]: ojee

[Iuna]: ze zouden ond tog is hore...

[Iuna]: *ons

[Aliz]: you don't think I understand some of it?? samma det...da snakker jeg sånn her...og da skjønner HVERTFALL ikke dere noe...så bare blæ dere...

[amalie]: hehe

[Aliz]: I still have the b/w... :P

[Teufelsweib]: so what? we are here with the two of us!! :P he snanne, ze denken dat ze ons kunnen verstaan haha! nou als je dit kan verstaan mevrouw, geef dan eens de vertaling van heggenschaar?

[Aliz]: faktisk så skjønner jeg litt av det...synes det minner litt om tysk jeg :P

[amalie]: ja det er ganske likt tysk, pluss det har noen likhets trekk med norsk...

[Teufelsweib]: hahaha, dan roepen we wel alle nederlanders die we kunnen vinden!!! snanne, haal annemarie erbij!! wij nederlanders gaan het overnemen!!

[Aliz]: ikke sant...bra at flere er enige ^_^ *yeay* hehe

[Aliz]: just make them come here then..I don't care...

[Teufelsweib]: waar heb je die mooie vertaalmachine vandaan Aliz? heh heh, oeh nou word ik bang hiervan zeg. mar dan gaen we tog zow pratuh da du vurtaalmasjinuh ut niej ken vertaluh? heh heh

[Aliz]: å så morro vi har det....når ikke du gidder å snakke engelsk, så gjør faen ikke jeg det heller...og jeg tipper jeg skjønner mer av det du sier, enn omvendt :P

[Teufelsweib]: blablablabla, fins ziet r egt verrrot ut man :P zijn we nu niet vreselijk zielig, oude strijdmaten nog van het plunderen der elftown

[Aliz]: ikke blablabla...MUAHAHAHA...synes dette var litt gøy likevel...hehe... Let's be evil to others instead...or maybe you LIKE not understanding what I write :P

[Teufelsweib]: neeej, ik sal noojt opgeve!!! needurlendurs zulluh diet overroelen!!!

[Aliz]:'re not going to give up? well...I don't care....bare fint det...da trenger jeg ikke skrive engelsk...*slapper av*

[Teufelsweib]: ok ok.... bury it?

[Beru-chan]: lol this is funny...... XD moek nog meehelpe of ist alweer te laat? :P

[Teufelsweib]: nou ja... we kunnen nog altijd gewoon irritant mee doorgaan, die finnen hebben toch een vertaalmachine en "verstaan" ons dus toch wel, he Aliz>

[Beru-chan]: hahah en we kunne altijd nog zow scheel en onduidelijk praten als het maar kan en als dat niej gnoege is goa ik wel plat proat'n :P

[Teufelsweib]: jaw joh!! gezelli me zu alluh grroninsch pratuh!!

[Iuna]: hoe kunne ze da eigelijk verstaan? als w ploat proate kunnuh zuh dah tog nieh verstoan? egh vaaghiess juh kanh ookh gwoonh ohveral uhn h thussuh plakkuh dhan khunnuh zuh uht nieh versthaan ;p;p

[Beru-chan]: whahahha en als dat dan nóg niej gnoeg is gaan we een mengeling van NL, Frans, Duits, JApans en Koreaans prate... >:)

[Teufelsweib]: aaah joh, latuh wu mahr lekkr bai onsje eeeguh boern taaltje bleefuh

[Beru-chan]: whahahh joaah das wel ut leukste vinde ge meiskes ook niej? :P moen pa koan wel goe ploat proat'n... ;) dus kunne ik altied nog advies vroag'n van um

[Teufelsweib]: jaaah, kunnuh wu alluhmaol boer'b worduh op onsje groaninsche kleej

[Beru-chan]: whahahha :P Roalte is un ech boeregehucht :D en wie zien d'r trots op joah! ;P 

[Teufelsweib]: jah joh!!! niewegain hiero ish un egte stadjmensuh plaots, en uts zwaor kut

[Beru-chan]: whahha: Dat gef ruumte, zea 'n boer en smeet zien wief oet de berrestea.  whaha probeert dat maar te vertale:P

[Teufelsweib]: waot steat dear?? zelfs iek ken um niej lezuh

[Beru-chan]: whaha doar stoat Dat geeft ruimte, zei een broer en smeet zijn vrouw uit de bedstee :P

[Teufelsweib]: hahaahaha, koele boerische taol meeske

[Beru-chan]: ..Onmeundige zeerte hebb'n... whaha vreselijk veel pijn lijden :P wij gebruike best vaak onmeunig..

[Teufelsweib]: onmeunig?? hahahahaha

[Iuna]: goaaaar woard ;p

[Beru-chan]: lol jupzz..maar wel leuk ;)

[Teufelsweib]: wat buteekund onmeunig?

[Beru-chan]: vreselijk :P ik heb onmeunig veel zin in morge bijvoorbeeld ;)

[Aliz]: synd for dem at de ikke vet at jeg fikk toppkarakter i tysk :P

[Beru-chan]: o.O' whahah lol cool language...

[Beru-chan]: .....kast ikke flaskekorke i toiletet!!! 

[Aliz]: eh...joa :P

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